Friday, June 5, 2015

Making Your Own Blog

Part of what makes this class interesting is the fact that you are the game programmer, the artist and the idea-person behind everything you create. That also makes it pretty frightening. You get all the credit when things go right and all the blame when things go wrong. You shouldn't have to worry about your production right away, though. You are learning, and your blog is where you are going to write about what you create. Every week you will be contributing to your blog. The idea is to dedicate a blog to your gaming career. It probably will go a bit slowly at first, but the first assignment should be easy.

Here it is:
Write an entry on your favorite video game. The idea is to write about why you like it or what made it fun or what happy memories it brings to you to think about it. Obviously, there is a purpose behind this assignment, and that is to get you thinking about what other people did to make a game that you think is fun. After all, you won't be able to make a great game if you can't remember what made the first game you played fun in the first place. So knock yourself out and spend fifteen minutes reminiscing about what it was that made you enjoy playing games in the first place. For me, the game was Asteroids, what game caught your attention?